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MICROSOFT Visual Studio Pro w/MSDN All Lng LIC/SA 1 License NL Add Product 2 Year Acq. year 2

Forsíðan Microsoft Licenses MICROSOFT Visual Studio Pro w/MSDN All Lng LIC/SA 1 License NL Add Product 2 Year Acq. year 2
MICROSOFT Visual Studio Pro w/MSDN All Lng LIC/SA  1 License NL Add Product 2 Year Acq. year 2  (77D-00070)

MICROSOFT Visual Studio Pro w/MSDN All Lng LIC/SA 1 License NL Add Product 2 Year Acq. year 2

  • Agreement Corporate
  • Family Developer Tools
  • Language All Languages
  • License type Open
  • Product Pro Developer Tools
10.217,60 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 9876

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional w/ MSDN. Licenstype: Open Value License (OVL)

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