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MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1

Forsíðan Microsoft Licenses MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1
MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1 (125-00501)
MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1 (125-00501)
MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1 (125-00501)
MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1 (125-00501)

MICROSOFT MS OVL-GOV Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Software Assurance 1 License Additional Product 1Y-Y1

  • Agreement Corporate
  • Family Developer Tools
  • Language Non-specific
  • License type Open
  • Product ALM Solutions
1.251,20 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 100

Azure DevOps Server
Share code, track work, and ship software using integrated software delivery tools, hosted on-premises

Use all the Azure DevOps services or just the ones you need to complement your existing workflows

- Azure Boards
Deliver value to your users faster using proven agile tools that enable planning, tracking, and discussing work across your teams.

- Azure Pipelines
Build, test, and deploy with CI/CD that works with any language, platform, or cloud—including GitHub or any other Git provider.

- Azure Repos
Get unlimited, cloud-hosted private Git repos and collaborate to build better code with pull requests and advanced file management.

- Azure Test Plans
Test and ship with confidence using manual and exploratory testing tools.

- Azure Artifacts
Create, host, and share packages with your team, and add artifacts to your CI/CD pipelines with a single click.

- Extensions Marketplace
Access extensions from Slack to SonarCloud and 1,000 other apps and services—built by the community.

What is Azure DevOps Server?
Collaborative software development tools for the entire team

Previously known as Team Foundation Server (TFS), Azure DevOps Server is a set of collaborative software development tools, hosted on-premises. Azure DevOps Server integrates with your existing IDE or editor, enabling your cross-functional team to work effectively on projects of all sizes.

Open and extensible

Integrate your custom tool or third-party service with Azure DevOps Server using open standards like REST APIs and OAuth 2.0. Integrate your favorite tools and services from our marketplace of extensions.

Azure DevOps Server Express
Free version for individuals and small teams

Use Azure DevOps Server Express as individual developers or teams of five or fewer, at no cost. Easily install on your personal desktop or laptop without needing a dedicated server. Upgrade to Azure DevOps Server when your team has grown beyond five team members and take your full history with you.

Hóast vit gera okkara ítasta til tess at veita nøktandi kunning, so eru myndirnar bert vegleiðandi, og vøran sjálv er ikki endiliga 100% eins vorðin sum vísta myndin. Tól og annað kunnu verða víst við eykaútgerð, sum ikki hoyrir uppí, ella í øðrum skapi ella liti. Um so er, at munur er millum vørulýsingina og myndina, er tað vørulýsingin, ið geldur. Eru tygum í iva, setið tygum so í samband við okkum. Vit taka fyrivarni fyri prentvillum, prísbroytingum og vørulýsingum uttan fyrivarning.