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Forsíðan Ritbúnaður Adobe ADOBE VIPC/Stock OtherALL/MP/MEL/1U
ADOBE VIPC/ Stock OtherALL/ MP/ MEL/ 1U (65274063BA01A12)


  • Product Family Adobe Stock for teams (Medium)
  • Product Type New Team Subscription
  • Language Multi Language
  • Operating System Multiple Platforms
  • Market Segment Corporate
  • Version ALL
  • Duration 1 Month
  • Level Detail Level 1 1-9
  • License Program VIP
  • Info TEAM 40 IMAGE
1.054,40 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 9876

Adobe Stock license information
An Adobe Stock license allows you to use your asset anywhere in the world, and the license never expires. You may use the asset in print, presentations, websites, and even on social media sites. However, you may not distribute the digital asset by posting it online or in any other way that would let other people use the asset without licensing it themselves.

There are a few additional restrictions based on the type of license you purchase. Here’s what you need to know:

Standard licenses
With a Standard license, you may not:
- Create more than 500,000 copies of the image in print, digital documents, software, or by broadcasting to more than 500,000 viewers.
- Create products for resale where the main value of the product is the image itself. For example, you can’t use the asset to create a poster, t-shirt, or coffee mug that someone would buy specifically because of the image printed on it.

Enhanced licenses
Enhanced licenses provide all the rights granted in a Standard license, and remove the 500,000 copy restriction. Adobe Stock videos and premium images have enhanced licenses by default.

Extended licenses
Extended licenses provide all the rights granted in an Enhanced license, remove the 500,000 copy restriction and allow you to create products for resale.

For complete details and additional restrictions, see our full Terms & Conditions.

Please note:
- The Adobe Stock license descriptions above are intended for individuals and Creative Cloud teams only. Enterprise users, please see the enterprise license page.
- If you’re not sure what type of license you have for a specific asset, if you need to upgrade from a standard to an extended license, or if you need to purchase an additional license for an asset, click your name in the navigation bar to open your License History page.

Hóast vit gera okkara ítasta til tess at veita nøktandi kunning, so eru myndirnar bert vegleiðandi, og vøran sjálv er ikki endiliga 100% eins vorðin sum vísta myndin. Tól og annað kunnu verða víst við eykaútgerð, sum ikki hoyrir uppí, ella í øðrum skapi ella liti. Um so er, at munur er millum vørulýsingina og myndina, er tað vørulýsingin, ið geldur. Eru tygum í iva, setið tygum so í samband við okkum. Vit taka fyrivarni fyri prentvillum, prísbroytingum og vørulýsingum uttan fyrivarning.