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ADOBE Captivate 9 engl. Liz-Edu (1+)

Forsíðan Ritbúnaður Adobe ADOBE Captivate 9 engl. Liz-Edu (1+)
ADOBE Captivate 9 engl. Liz-Edu (1+) (65264471AE01A00)

ADOBE Captivate 9 engl. Liz-Edu (1+)

  • Product Family Captivate
  • Product Type AOO License
  • Language English
  • Operating System Multiple Platforms
  • Market Segment Education
  • Version 9
  • Duration 0 Months
  • Level Detail 1+
  • License Program TLP
2.900,- uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 9876

Create any kind of eLearning end-to-end. For any device.
With new Adobe Captivate 9, go seamlessly from storyboarding to responsive eLearning design. Dip into the exclusive 25,000+ asset store to enrich your content. Create amazing courses that run seamlessly across desktops and mobile.

Rapid eLearning authoring. Get set go.
From storyboarding to responsive eLearning, create virtually any kind of professional looking and instructionally sound content using a single tool. Add interactive elements to transform static content with just a few clicks. Call on the power-packed functionalities from within an intuitive UI that makes authoring easy and efficient.

Responsive eLearning design. Let content flow.
Author just once and content will rearrange itself for the tablet and mobile views. Start from a blank canvas, record an iOS device, or even import a storyboard using Adobe Captivate Draft. Deliver multiscreen, location-specific, device-aware learning experiences without programming. Use the preview to see exactly how your courses look on various screens.

25,000+ Free Asset store. Treats galore.
Enable lifelike animations and realistic interactions with multistate objects and responsive motion effects. Dip into the all-new library of 25,000+ free assets or select from a range of customizable interactions and games to keep your content lively and your learners engaged.

Everything eLearning. One complete tool.
Easily author virtually any kind of responsive interactive eLearning content. Create HD product demos, application simulations, soft-skills and compliance training materials, live and self-paced online courses, self-service videos, employee on-boarding modules, and more. Meet varied eLearning needs of users with the tool that has long been trusted by more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies to create compelling eLearning content.

Test and track. Be in control.
Create a variety of eye-catching quizzes with out-of-the-box templates and evaluate quiz results more conveniently. Add pre-test, audio responses, and remediation to quizzes. Use the in-product LMS preview to see how your project will integrate with various SCORM-compliant LMSs. Publish eLearning and HTML5-based mobile learning courses effortlessly to leading LMSs, including Adobe Captivate Prime.

Geek street. Go further, faster.
Break new ground with your courses. Write your own scripts or configure conditional logic to achieve complex eLearning workflows. Customize outcomes by enabling conditional or multiple actions in an interaction, and reuse these interactions or share them across modules and projects. Roundtrip seamlessly with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition and more in Adobe Creative Cloud and work with the world’s best creative apps.

Hóast vit gera okkara ítasta til tess at veita nøktandi kunning, so eru myndirnar bert vegleiðandi, og vøran sjálv er ikki endiliga 100% eins vorðin sum vísta myndin. Tól og annað kunnu verða víst við eykaútgerð, sum ikki hoyrir uppí, ella í øðrum skapi ella liti. Um so er, at munur er millum vørulýsingina og myndina, er tað vørulýsingin, ið geldur. Eru tygum í iva, setið tygum so í samband við okkum. Vit taka fyrivarni fyri prentvillum, prísbroytingum og vørulýsingum uttan fyrivarning.