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ADDER TECH Pro: 4 port - USB 2.0, DVI

Forsíðan Tólbúnaður Net KVM/ Dataswitche ADDER TECH Pro: 4 port - USB 2.0, DVI
ADDER TECH Pro: 4 port - USB 2.0, DVI (AV4PRO-DVI-UK)

ADDER TECH Pro: 4 port - USB 2.0, DVI

2.597,60 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 3

Part of the ADDERView® PRO range, the AV4PRO DVI is KVMA switch designed to enable four multi-head computers to be controlled from a single KVM console. This four-port switch is available in eight-port (AV8PRO), Multiscreen, VGA or DisplayPort variants.

- Extended DDC EDID profile: ensures that the graphics card is always optimized to work with your screen
- High resolution video: the dual link DVI capabilities enable users to work at very high resolutions including 2K (2048 x 1080) on each head or WQXGA (2560 x 1600) per head, with a choice of digital or analogue
- USB True Emulation: USB 2.0 enables connection to any USB human interface device from mice and keyboards through to graphics tablets, jog shuttles, joysticks and 3D explorers
- Independent USB device selection: switching options enable the operator to use the keyboard and mouse on one computer whilst the USB peripherals are connected to other ones
- Channel selection options: switch using selectable keyboard hotkeys, three button mice or the front panel controls, or add a RC4 remote
- Broad USB 2.0 HID Support: a range of USB devices can be connected, including printers, scanners, and non-standard human interface devices
- ‘Options’ port for control, synchronisation and upgrade: port allows remote switching using simple ASCII codes; units to be switched in synchrony to create a multi video head switching system; and firmware upgrades, all through the same port

- Access multiple applications: allow one display, keyboard and mouse to switch control between up to eight computers
- Fluid and Reliable USB Switching: Adder’s USB True Emulation ensures fast and reliable switching

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