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ACS USB Full-Sized Contact Smart

ACS USB Full-Sized Contact Smart (APG8201-B2)

ACS USB Full-Sized Contact Smart

  • Type Access Control
311,20 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 8

Nowadays, more and more people rely on the Web for many day-to-day transactions that once required their physical presence. These include e-government, e-banking and online shopping. However, as technology becomes more sophisticated, fraud also becomes more prevalent. These occurrences generate financial losses to organizations and bring distress to cardholders.

The APG8201-B2 is a smart card reader with a keypad and an LCD screen which has Secure PIN Entry (SPE) feature to protect every PIN code from attacks, such as viruses or USB sniffers. It can perform secure cardholder verification/authentication in order to allow them to perform online log-in and other online transactions. A cost-efficient response to man-in-the-middle attacks, the APG8201-B2 help end-users and organizations protect their sensitive data from these attacks.

Hóast vit gera okkara ítasta til tess at veita nøktandi kunning, so eru myndirnar bert vegleiðandi, og vøran sjálv er ikki endiliga 100% eins vorðin sum vísta myndin. Tól og annað kunnu verða víst við eykaútgerð, sum ikki hoyrir uppí, ella í øðrum skapi ella liti. Um so er, at munur er millum vørulýsingina og myndina, er tað vørulýsingin, ið geldur. Eru tygum í iva, setið tygum so í samband við okkum. Vit taka fyrivarni fyri prentvillum, prísbroytingum og vørulýsingum uttan fyrivarning.