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  • Type POS Readers
284,80 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 65

ACR39U-UF Smart Card Reader is one of ACS's latest products addressing the evolution of USB standards. This palm-sized reader features a USB Type C connector. The USB Type C Connector features reversible plug orientation and cable direction to fit mobile to device product designs for future smart card applications.

ACR39U-UF uses the same core as the ACR39U Series. It supports ISO 7816 smart cards and various memory cards, as well as microprocessor cards with T=0, T=1 protocols.

Unlike an older USB cable, it doesn’t matter which side is up with a Type-C plug; you can insert it either way. It complies with PC/SC and CCID standards, keeping the device compatible with current applications under USB specifications. ACR39U Smart Card Reader can easily be integrated to a computer-based and mobile device-based environment. Its drivers are compatible with operating systems such as Windows®, Solaris, Linux®, and Mac OS®. In addition, ACR39U-UF may be used on mobile devices running on Android™ versions 3.1 and later.

ACR39U with USB Type C is another breakthrough for ACS readers.

- USB 2.0 Full Speed Interface
- USB Type C Connector
- Plug and Play – CCID support brings utmost mobility
- Smart Card Reader:
- Supports ISO 7816 Class A, B, and C (5 V, 3 V, 1.8 V) cards
- Supports CAC
- Supports SIPRNET Card
- Supports J-LIS Card
- Supports microprocessor cards with T=0 or T=1 protocol
- Supports memory cards
- Supports PPS (Protocol and Parameters Selection)
- Features Short-Circuit Protection
- Application Programming Interface:
- Supports PC/SC
- Supports CT-API CT-API (through wrapper on top of PC/SC)
- Supports Android™ 3.1 and later

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