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  • Type Access Control
240,- uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 207

ACR39T-A1 brings new and modern technology to the world of smart card readers. This SIM-sized smart card reader is small but packs in a lot of features. Being a compact and powerful smart card reader, the ACR39T-A1 brings together sophisticated technology and modern design to meet rigorous requirements of various smart card-based applications.

ACR39T-A1 supports ISO 7816 smart cards, various memory cards, and microprocessor cards with T=0 and T=1 protocol. It is fully compliant with PC/SC and CCID specifications, and supports various operating systems such as Windows®, Linux, and Mac OS®. Additionally, ACR39T-A1 may also be used on mobile devices running on Android™ platform versions 3.1 and above.

Weighing nothing more than your standard USB stick, ACR39T-A1 is a device that you can bring anywhere to keep smart card technology right at your fingertips.

- PC-Linked USB SIM Card Slot
- Supports ISO 7816 Class A, B and C (5 V, 3 V, 1.8 V) and 1.6V cards
- Supports microprocessor cards with T=0 or T=1 protocol
- Supports memory cards such as:
- Cards following the I2C bus protocol (free memory cards) with maximum 128 bytes page with capability, including:
- Atmel: AT24C01/02/04/08/16/32/64/128/256/512/1024
- SGS-Thomson: ST14C02C, ST14C04C
- Gemplus: GFM1K, GFM2K, GFM4K, GFM8K
- Cards with intelligent 1k bytes EEPROM with write-protect function, including:
- Infineon: SLE4418, SLE4428, SLE5518 and SLE5528
- Cards with intelligent 256 bytes EEPROM with write-protect function, including:
- Infineon: SLE4432, SLE4442, SLE5532 and SLE5542
- Supports PPS (Protocol and Parameters Selection)
- Features Short Circuit Protection
- Application Programming Interface:
- Supports PC/SC
- Supports CT-API (through wrapper on top of PC/SC)

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