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ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution

Forsíðan Sjónvørp / Ljóð Uppvørpur ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)
ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution (MR.JV511.001)

ACER Projector P1557Ki 4500 ANSI Lumens 3600 ANSI Lumens ECO Compliant with ISO 21118 standard 4500lm under WUXGA resolution

  • Technology DLP
  • Brightness 4500ANSI Lumen
  • Contrast 10000:1
  • Native Resolution 1920 x 1080
  • Weight 2.9Kg
  • Speakers True
  • 3d-ready False
7.252,80 uttan mvg.
Á goymslu 1

Acer Basic P1557Ki. Projektor lysstyrke: 4500 ANSI lumens, Projektionsteknologi: DLP, Projektor indbygget opløsning: 1080p (1920x1080). Lyskilde type: Lampe, Levetid for lyskilde: 20000 t, Lampeeffekt: 240 W. Brændviddeområde: 11.9 - 15.5 mm, Digital zoom: 2x, Optisk zoom: 1,3x. Format til analogt signal: NTSC, PAL, SECAM, Understøttede grafikopløsninger: 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA), Understøttede videotilstande: 1080p. Seriel grænsefladetype: RS-232, HDMI- stiktype: Fuld størrelse, USB-stik type: USB Type-A

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